Hoitenga: Supreme Court ruling will cause irreversible damage to Michigan’s hospitality industry

Hoitenga: Supreme Court ruling will cause irreversible damage to Michigan’s hospitality industry

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Michele Hoitenga issued the following statement on Wednesday after the Michigan Supreme Court’s “adopt and amend” ruling that is expected to cause layoffs throughout the state:

“We are experiencing a time when it is difficult enough for Michigan families and businesses to stay above water, and this short-sighted ruling puts even more jobs at risk by making it even harder for restaurants and small businesses to make ends meet. Family businesses faced major setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic that many barely survived — they now face another devastating blow after the court’s decision. This ruling will lead to increased costs, more workers losing their jobs, and more businesses being forced to close their doors.

“Northern Michigan is home to one of the state’s largest tourism and hospitality hubs, and business owners have made clear their inability to absorb these increases. This ruling leaves restaurant owners with only a few options on the table: raise prices, reduce hours, or close their doors. No matter which route a business chooses, it will negatively impact an industry that is critical to Michigan’s economic success.

“We’ve seen how these overreaching policies work in the real world, and we cannot let Michigan become a national example of what not to do.”


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