Hoitenga: Dem energy bills are big government at its worst

Hoitenga: Dem energy bills are big government at its worst

LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Michele Hoitenga , R-Manton, on Wednesday released the following statement after voting against extreme Democrat legislation to radically alter Michigan’s energy policy and give Lansing bureaucrats power to override local zoning authorities:

“It has been made clear by the speed at which Democrats have forced these partisan bills through the Legislature and the lobbyists representing wind turbine and solar panel companies who packed committee rooms to champion their passage: These bills are all about profits and control, they have nothing to do with climate change or helping to better the future of our state. Using hard-working peoples’ tax dollars to fund special interests should be criminal.

“Northern Michigan’s precious land and environment will be sacrificed in this ideological endeavor and all Michiganders will pay more for less reliable energy — and more for food when valuable farmland is replaced by endless solar fields and wind turbine skylines. With unrealistic mandates and overreaching government control of local land use, these Democrat bills are big government at its worst.”       


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